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SCYC 2025 Camper Registration 
Coming Soon!

Check-In & Check-Out

Transportation to and from camp must be provided by the camper’s family or congregation.

Camper check-in is between 3:00-4:30 pm on Sunday, July 13th.

Cabins are not to be occupied until campers have checked-in at the registration tables in the Onstead Center beginning at 3:00pm.

Early arrivals will be asked to wait for registration to begin at 3:00pm. Please plan accordingly.

Any remaining payments or signed forms that were previously emailed or faxed should be brought to camp.

ALL MEDICATIONS (prescription & non-prescription) must be checked in to the medical staff at registration.

To help speed up the check-in process, please have ALL medications bagged, labeled with camper's name and ready to hand in when you arrive.


Camper check-out is by 10:00am, Saturday, July 19th.

Please arrive on time to pick up your camper.

Campers will be dismissed once their cabins have been inspected and approved by the director.

Should your child need to leave early from camp, you must check them out with Wes Wilson and Chelsea Foster or Randy Moore before leaving camp.




  • Bible, pen or pencil, notebook or paper

  • Outdoor clothes (pack dress code appropriate shorts and shirts - see below for more info)

  • Swim wear, including water shoes to wear in the river (shirts must be worn to & from the river).

  • Personal care items (toothbrush, deodorant, shampoo, etc.)

  • Towels, wash cloths, sunscreen, chapstick

  • Bedding (twin sheets, blanket, sleeping bag, pillow)

  • Personal medications (all prescriptions and non-prescriptions must be checked in with the medical staff at registration)

  • Personal music devices are allowed in cabins only. In-cabin use of such devices will be determined by cabin counselors.

  • A container or two of oatmeal for the oatmeal battle


DO NOT BRING: money, weapons, illegal products, skateboards, hover boards, laptops, energy drinks.



We highly recommend that cell phones be left at home. If you arrive with a cell phone, it is not to be used during ANY scheduled activities (this includes having it out during worship times and classes). ANY misconduct involving cell phones will result in phones being confiscated and will be returned at the staff and/or director’s discretion. Cabin counselors will decide when phones must be put away for the night. Parents should encourage their campers to minimize (or even avoid) phone use during the week. We appreciate your support and understanding.

***Click Here For Dress Code***

Campers are personally responsible for all items they bring.

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